lunes, 30 de marzo de 2009

Quiebra de GM?

Despues de escuchar a Obama esta manana de lunes, y de leer algunos parrafos del WSJ, no me queda duda de la fuerte posibilidad que GM se vaya a la quiebra en los proximos dias o semanas.

La renuncia del CEO de GM Rick Wagoner podria ser solo el preambulo de un proximo comunicado sobre la quiebra de GM.

Tomado del WSJ: Government Forces Out Wagoner at GM
The administration's auto team announced the departure of [General Motors Corp. Chief Executive Rick Wagoner] on Sunday. In a summary of its findings, the task force added that it doesn't believe Chrysler is viable as a stand-alone company, and suggested that the best chance for success for both GM and Chrysler "may well require utilizing the bankruptcy code in a quick and surgical way."

La historia para Chrysler no es menos preocupante:

Tomado tambien del WSJ:
The government said it would provide Chrysler with capital for 30 days to cut a workable arrangement with Fiat SpA, the Italian auto maker that has a tentative alliance with Chrysler....If the two reach a definitive alliance agreement, the government would consider investing up to $6 billion more in Chrysler. If the talks fail, the company would be allowed to collapse.

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